Faculty Of Natural Sciences And Mathematics

Mukayev Zhandos Toleubekovich - Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics

Academic Process

The Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics has 7 groups of educational programs and 14 educational programs: 1. В009 – Training of mathematics teachers 6В01501 – Mathematics 6В01502 – Mathematics-computer science 6В01503 – Mathematics-physics 2. В010 – Training of physics teachers 6В01504 – Physics 6В01505 – Physics-computer science 3. В011 – Training of computer science teachers 6В01506 – Computer science 6В01507 – Computer science-robotics 4. В012 – Training of chemistry teachers 6В01508 – Сhemistry 6В01509 – Сhemistry-biology 5. В013 – Training of biology teachers 6В01510 – Biology 6. В014 – Training of geography teachers 6В01511 – Geography 6В01512 – Geography- history

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The research activity of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics is aimed at the development of fundamental and applied research, meeting the needs of modern society. Now the faculty employs well-known scientists and teachers, doctors of sciences, candidates of sciences and associate professors, specialists of high professional level. In the groups of educational programs "Training of physics teachers", "Training of computer science teachers", "Training of chemistry teachers", "Training of biology teachers", trilingual educational programs based on teaching relevant subjects at school in English have been introduced. The educational process, scientific and methodological work is carried out by the educational departments of physical and mathematical sciences and computer science, natural science disciplines. Each department has branches established in secondary schools to conduct methodical work of teachers and discuss term papers, theses of students.

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Social Education

The purpose of the educational work of the faculty: the education of a comprehensively and harmoniously developed personality on the basis of universal and national values. The faculty has approved a plan of educational work in 11 areas, and events are being held. 1. Education of Kazakhstan's patriotism and citizenship is a manifestation of responsibility for the Fatherland, state policy, state ideology, Constitution and legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, state symbols, law and order. 2. Spiritual, moral and aesthetic education - the formation of spiritual, moral and ethical positions, moral qualities and views of the individual, consistent with universal values, norms and traditions of the life of Kazakhstan society. 3. National education - orientation of the individual to universal and national values, respect for the native and state language, culture, ethnic group of the Kazakh people and ethnic groups in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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The mission of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics is to train competitive scientific and pedagogical personnel at the level of the needs of the modern labor market and with deep theoretical and practical knowledge, skills and high professional qualifications in the field of natural and mathematical sciences.

Quality objectives

1. Publication of scientific articles in journals indexed in the Scopus and Web of Science databases – 8;

2. Publication of scientific articles in journals recommended by the Committee for Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 10;

3. Attracting 2-4 year students and 1st year undergraduates under the academic mobility program - at least 3;

4. Start Up projects implemented by students – 1

5. Number of courses recorded on MOOC platforms – 2

6. Number of teaching staff who have received international certificates confirming proficiency in a foreign language – 2

7. Release of textbooks, educational and methodological aids recommended by the UMO RUMS MSHE RK – 2