Faculty of Humanities and Economics

The Faculty of Humanities and Economics works fruitfully in the direction of quality training of personnel in the fields of pedagogy, economy and art in accordance with modern requirements and the needs of the state.

Academic Process

Training is carried out in 12 educational programs of bachelor's degree, 10 master's degree and 1 PhD doctoral degree.

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Research activities of the faculty of the Humanities Faculty are aimed at the development of fundamental and applied research, meeting the needs of modern society. In order to realize the creative and scientific potential of youth, the student scientific society (SSS) is actively operating at the faculty.

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Social Education

The Faculty of Humanities carries out educational work in 11 areas: - patriotic education, - legal education, - spiritual and moral education, - formation of a healthy lifestyle, - environmental and labor, - family education, - multicultural, - intellectual education, - the formation of leadership qualities, - religious education, - implementation of the creative activity of students.

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Training of highly qualified, competitive specialists who speak not only the state, but also foreign languages, who are able to use their knowledge in everyday and professional communication, who are easily guided by the regulatory legal acts of all levels of education, who are able to use innovative technologies in education, and who are also capable of mobilizing in the rapidly changing modern world.

Quality objectives

1. Publication of 8 scientific articles in scientific international publications with a non-zero impact factor and 16 articles in scientific journals recommended by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2. Production of 6 electronic textbooks, 6 textbooks and 2 educational-methodical complexes on BBB for students of the faculty;

3. Publication of 3 scientific monographs;

4. Publication of at least 20 reports and theses of students in conference and newsletter collections;

5. Invitation of foreign scientists to lecture - 1 scientist;

6. Implementation of the program of internal and external academic mobility of students and teaching staff - 10 students, 6 teachers online, 4 students offline.

7. To ensure that the share of employed graduates is not less than 85%;

8. Conducting 3 subject Olympiads of students of Semey schools (Fine art and drawing, Music, Economics)

9. Involvement of students in the implementation of research works and social activities of the university - 20%.

10. Accreditation for 1 educational program (economic direction)

11. In the current academic year, the number of courses recorded on MOOC platforms is 6 courses.

12. The number of Start Up projects is 3.