Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Management

The agricultural faculty of shakarim University of Semey is the only educational institution in the north – east of Kazakhstan that trains specialists with higher education in the field of Agriculture, which is more than half a century old, initiated by the Semipalatinsk zootechnical and Veterinary Institute, and today has a 70-year history. There are state licenses for all specialties and types of Education. All specialties of the faculty are necessary in the labor market. The agricultural faculty has a huge contribution in this direction, so our faculty is equipped with modern teaching methods and is developing significantly in the course of implementing new advanced teaching methods and programs. The faculty is a multidisciplinary educational institution equipped with all the necessary material and technical base, as well as modern laboratories, workshops, with extensive work experience and extensive international contacts.

Academic Process

The training is conducted according to: 6 EP Bachelor's degree - 6B08101-Agronomy (B077-Crop production); 6B08201-Technology of production of animal products (B078-Animal husbandry); 6B08302-Hunting and animal husbandry (B079-Forestry); 6B08301-Forest resources and forestry(B079-Forestry). 2 EP of special higher education - 6B09101-Veterinary medicine (B083-Veterinary medicine); 6B09102-Veterinary sanitation (B083-Veterinary medicine). 4 Master's degree programs-7M091101-Veterinary medicine (M091-Veterinary medicine); 7M091102-Veterinary Sanitation (M091-Veterinary medicine); 7M08101 – Agronomy (M131-Crop production); 7M08201-Livestock production technology (M132-Animal husbandry); 2 EP doctoral programs - 8D09101-Veterinary medicine (8D091-Veterinary medicine); 8D09102-Veterinary sanitation (8D091-Veterinary Medicine).

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Research areas: 1. Epizootological monitoring of animal and bee diseases in East Kazakhstan region. 2. Scientific support of agricultural crop cultivation technology. 3. The use of essential nutrients and their impact on productivity. 4. Treatment and prevention of gynecological diseases of animals. 5. Treatment and prevention of parasitic diseases of animals. 6. Balanced feeding of agricultural animals and birds. Selection and breeding work . 7. Getting a BKD for the animals.

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Social Education

The main goal of educational work is the following main priority areas: the formation of a harmoniously developed personality; the creation of optimal conditions for the professional and social adaptation of the future specialist; the development and promotion of independent activity of students in educational and social activities. Educational work at the faculty is carried out at three levels: at the level of the university, faculty and department.

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The mission of the Faculty of Agriculture is to train highly qualified specialists who have fundamental knowledge and are able to effectively implement innovations in the field of agricultural science while preserving the values of classical education.

Quality objectives

  1. Confirmation of the quality of educational services by passing the institutional accreditation of educational programs of the departments of the faculty.
  2. Improve the quality of student performance to 93%.
  3. Expansion of mutual cooperation of teaching staff and students with leading foreign universities that have a rating in the academic community. Implementation of academic mobility with the leading universities of Kazakhstan, by ensuring the participation of at least 2 students.
  4. Publication of 5 articles of teaching staff of departments indexed in the abstract databases SCOPUS or Web of Science.
  5. To increase the participation of faculty to 3 grant-funded projects under the MES of the RK, USKH ASD.
  6. To increase the degree of the faculty's teaching staff in the program of the target doctoral program PhD in the specialties of the faculty:
    - 8D 08301 "Forest resources and forestry" - 1 person;
    - 8D 08101 "Agronomy" - 1 person;
    - 8D09101 "Veterinary medicine" - 1 person;
    - 8D09102 "Veterinary sanitation" - 1 person.
  7. Involvement of students of the faculty in scientific research conducted by scientists of the faculty. Increase student participation in R & D to 32%.