The Department of Physical Education and Sports

Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences NAO University named after him. Shakarima G. Semey trains bachelors in the educational program 6B01401 "Physical culture and Sports" and undergraduates in the program 7M01401 - Physical culture and sports. It is conducted in full-time education on the basis of general secondary education, in remote educational technologies - on the basis of secondary special and higher education. The duration of full-time training is 4 years, distance learning technologies-3 and 2 years Since 1969, the course of study in the specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" was conducted at the Semipalatinsk State Pedagogical Institute, in 1995 at the Semey State University, in 1996 at the Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim, since 2004 at the Semipalatinsk State Pedagogical Institute, since 2013 at the Shakarim State University of Semey, currently at the NAO Shakarim University of Semey under the educational program 6B01401 "Physical Culture and Sports". The first graduation of specialists took place in 1973. Since the foundation of the Faculty, several thousand specialists in the field of physical culture and sports have been trained. Graduates of the Institute are well-known athletes, excellent students of education, honored coaches, scientists, and managers. Today, the department trains 204 (full-time) students who regularly participate in sports sections and take part in the organization and holding of the Institute's Sports Contest in various sports, during which the best athletes are selected to complete the university's national teams and further participate in competitions (the championship of the city, region, republic, student Universiade, international competitions).

Academic Process

Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Faculty of Art and Sports of the NAO University. Shakarima G. Semey trains bachelors in the educational program 6B01401 "Physical culture and Sports" and undergraduates in the program 7M01401 - Physical culture and sports.

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Scientific and methodological work is carried out at the department in the educational process within the framework of the student scientific conference. The research results of teachers and students are presented at conferences, competitions. Based on the research results, reports were made at the annual student conference. All employees of the department regularly implement plans and annually participate in city, republican and international conferences. The main directions of research of the department correspond to the profile of university training. Students' research work is an integral part of the educational process. These articles can be in the form of writing, conducting experiments, conducting theoretical research and are usually performed in the areas recommended by the department. Students of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports carry out research work independently (under the guidance of teachers), as well as in the classroom.

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Social Education


As a subdivision of the university, the Department of Physical Culture and Sports in its activities is guided by the charter and regulations of the university, as well as its policy in the field of quality. Physical education provides for the solution of educational and health problems: - to give basic scientifically grounded knowledge about the use of physical culture and sports in the development of vital physical qualities and improvement, long-term health preservation and maintenance of optimal professional performance, to form a motivational-value attitude to physical culture and the need for systematic physical exercises and sports ; - to develop organizational skills using various forms of physical culture and sports activities; - to teach to manage the mental state using the means and methods of physical culture; - to provide scientifically - based differentiated management of physical reserves of the body, taking into account individual biological capabilities, professional activity, using systems of physical exercises and environmental factors; - to teach the use of physical exercises, sports in leisure, healthy lifestyle "healthy lifestyle"; - to teach how to use health and rehabilitation means of physical culture, sports and health tourism, exercise systems (developing, preventive, restoring) in order to prevent the treatment of occupational diseases.

Quality objectives

1. Professional development of the teaching staff up to 50%.

2. Successful passing of accreditation and certification in the specialty "Physical culture and sports".

3. Preparation of graduates of the specialty "Physical culture and sports" for admission to the magistracy.

4. Preparation of future specialists for professional activities in accordance with the updated content of the school curriculum "Physical culture".

 5. Ensure 100% participation of teachers of the department in research work in accordance with the theme of the department.

6. To increase the level of involvement of students of the specialty in scientific research work up to 30%.

7. To find a job for 85 % of graduates trained on state grants, taking into account the interests of employers.

8. To bring to 100% participation of students in sports events.

9. Intensification of career guidance work in the specialty "Physical culture and sports".