Department of Physical - Mathematical Sciences and informatics

The Department of Physical and Mathematical Sciences and Computer Science was formed in 2019 through the merger of the Department of "Mathematics and Methods of Teaching Mathematics", Physics and Computer Science and IT.

Academic Process

Educational and methodological work is focused on the current state of higher and secondary schools and the requirements of the region in personnel. The level of preparation and content of lectures and seminars meets the requirements of the state standard and the working curriculum. Theoretical knowledge is supported by practical skills in schools. Students participate in academic mobility programs.

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Research activities of the faculty of the department are aimed at the development of fundamental and applied research, meeting the needs of modern society. In order to realize the creative and scientific potential of youth, a student scientific society works at the department.

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Social Education


Training of highly professional competitive personnel in demand in the labor market

Quality objectives

  1. Increasing the number of editions of educational and methodological manuals on elective subjects –7;
  2. Publication of scientific articles in journals with high impact factor– 3;
  3. Publication of scientific articles in journals recommended by CCSES МES RK – 10 articles;
  4. Publication of monographs of teachers of the Department-1;
  5. Participation of teachers in international and national scientific and methodological conferences – 35%;
  6. Attraction of students 2-4 courses on the program of academic mobility – 1;
  7. Provide employment of graduates – 85 %;