The Department of Applied physics and heat power engineering

The history of the department begins in 1984 («Refrigeration and Compressor Machines and Installations» department). In 2008, as a result of reorganization and introduction of a new classifier of specialties, the department was named «Technical Physics and Heat Power Engineering». The department provides preparation in bachelor's, master's and PhD-doctoral educational programs.

Academic Process

The department trains highly qualified specialists in the field of high- and low-potential energy according to the the educational programs "Heat power engineering" (bachelor's and master's programs) and "Technical physics" (bachelor's, master's, doctoral programs).

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The scientific activity of the department is aimed at research in the field of high energies, properties of substances and life support systems. The results of this work are publications in ranked journals of near and far abroad.

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Social Education


Training of highly qualified, competitive specialists with deep theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of physics and energy engineering.

Quality objectives

1) Publication of scientific articles in the journals WebofScinece and Scopus, journals recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 4.

2) Publications of teachers and students in the materials of International conferences – 5.

3) Obtaining a patent for a utility model – 1.

4) Publication of a textbook – 1.

5) Providing conducting classes with elements of dual training according to the educational programs of the department in 5 disciplines.

6) Participation in competitions for grant funding for scientific, scientific and technical projects of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan – 1.

7) Development of a branded educational program – 1.