Department of Fine Arts and Design

The department employs 5 candidates of Pedagogical Sciences, 1 Honored Worker of culture, 3 members of the Union of artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 6 members of the Union of designers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1 member of the Eurasian Union of designers, 11 Masters of Pedagogical Sciences. For conducting classes under the educational program, 24 classrooms are equipped (musical instruments, sound-producing literature, portraits of composers, audio and video recordings, a felt workshop, a woodworking workshop, special classrooms for painting and drawing, sculptures). All activities of the Department of" art and music " are carried out on the basis of the Strategic Development Plan of the University.

Academic Process

The Department prepares Bachelors of education in the following educational programs:: - 6b01402 music education; - 6b01403 Fine Arts and drawing; - 6b01404 professional training; - 6b014005 fine arts, art work and graphics; - 6B02101 design.

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Scientific work at the department is a coordinated set of scientific research (experiments, tests) and developments, organizational and supporting measures that allow in practice to carry out scientific justification of the main directions of improving the education system and to solve other scientific and practical tasks in the field of activity of the main departments and laboratories. Employees of the department conduct active educational and methodological work. Educational and methodological manuals, courses of lectures, methodological recommendations and other educational materials have been published. Periodically participate in competitions and exhibitions of the city, regional, national and international level, the department organizes online exhibitions. In addition, teachers, students and undergraduates of the department publish articles in various publications.

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Social Education

Educational and extracurricular work with students is an integral part of the process of training specialists and is carried out in order to create a system of tools and actions responsible for solving actual problems of education, creating favorable conditions for the personal and professional development of graduates. The relevance of setting issues of educational work at the department is due to the peculiarities of the student youth environment, youth in any initiatives.

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Training of highly qualified specialists who are competitive in the labor market, adapted to innovations, have the necessary level of qualification in the field of art and music education.

Quality objectives

During the academic year:
- provide employment for 98% of graduates;
- send a teacher of the department to take English language courses;
- to publish 2 printed publications of the teaching staff (teaching aids);
- strengthen the material and technical base
- send students to the Republican Subject Olympiad in their specialty.