The Department of Food production technology and biotechnology

The department "Technology of food production and biotechnology" in accordance with the principles of the Bologna process carries out multilevel training of bachelors, undergraduates and PhD-doctoral students in 10 educational programs, formed in accordance with the requirements of the Kazakhstan labor market. The material and technical base of the department is laboratories and specialized auditoriums equipped with modern instruments and equipment.

Academic Process

Educational activities are carried out on the basis of updated external and internal regulatory documents approved by the Government, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the university.

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Scientific directions of the department: - Development of equipment and technology for food products, biologically active and medicinal products, as well as methods of analysis in the field of food safety. - Development of technology for food products of a functional direction using animal and vegetable raw materials.

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Social Education

Educational work at the Department of Food Production Technology and Biotechnology is carried out according to the approved strategic work plan of the department and the plans of educational work of curatorial groups. Students of the department join the ranks of the Alliance of Students of Kazakhstan, the student debate club, the club of the cheerful and resourceful (KVN), and also actively participate in competitions and contests held at the university, city, region and Republic levels.

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Training of competitive specialists with deep theoretical and practical knowledge, abilities and skills, high professional qualifications in the field of food and processing industries, biotechnology and standardization.

Quality objectives

1. Participation in the annual competition of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the award of State scholarships to scientists who have contributed to the development of science and technology and talented young scientists (up to 35 years old inclusive) - 1 person.
2. Participation in competitions for grant funding for scientific, scientific and technical projects of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan - presentation of 2 project;
3. Publication of articles with an impact factor (Hirsch index, Scopus, Thomson Reuters) - 3 articles.
4. Development of dual training with the involvement of leading enterprises in the food industry - 2 units.
5. Publication of a textbook and / or monograph in the state and Russian languages ​​- 1 units..
6. Participation in the annual competition of the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan to award the title "Best University Teacher" - 2 units.