The Department Agriculture and Bioresources

Training of students in agricultural specialties by the teaching staff of the department "Agriculture and Bioresources" was conducted initially on the basis of the Semipalatinsk Zootechnical and Veterinary Institute, since 1996 - at the Semipalatinsk State University named after Shakarim, and since 2013 - at the State University named after Shakarim of Semey, at this time-NAO "Shakarim University of Semey". In 1996, several departments were created, which are currently the basic departments of Agriculture and Bioresources: - The Department of "Morphology and Physiology of humans and animals" - the Department of normal anatomy of domestic animals, the Department of Normal pathological Physiology, the Department of Histology, Embryology and Cytology of the Semipalatinsk Zootechnical and Veterinary Institute, the Department of Anatomy and Physiology, the Department of Zoology, the Department of Sports Physiology of the Semipalatinsk Pedagogical Institute, the Department of Morphological and Physiological Disciplines of the Semipalatinsk Technological Institute. - Department of "Animal Husbandry and breeding" - Department of feed production, Department of large animal husbandry, Department of feeding, Department of Breeding and Genetics, Department of Mechanization, Department of sheep breeding. Then it was renamed the Department of "Animal Husbandry, Breeding and fundamentals of life safety". In 2005, the Department of " Morphology and Physiology of animals "was renamed the Department of"Biology". In 2005, the Department of "Animal Husbandry and Agronomy"was formed from the specialties of the departments of the faculty. In 2009, the named department was renamed the Department of "Agrotechnology". In 2013, it was renamed the Department of "Agrotechnology and Forest Resources". In the same year, the Department of Biology was renamed again and called "Animal Husbandry and Hunting". The Department of Agriculture and Bioresources is headed by Nurzhanova Kulsara Halimardenovna, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor. The staff of the teaching staff includes 16 full-time teachers. The degree level of the teaching staff of the special department is 56.3 %, including doctors of sciences-3; candidates of sciences-5; PhD-1; masters-6. The uniqueness of the OP department is that students receive practical skills in real production conditions. Professional types of practices are conducted in leading enterprises and organizations of the East Kazakhstan Region and the Republic of Kazakhstan. The elements of dual education allow you to consolidate theoretical knowledge in practice. The educational program provides an opportunity to obtain training results and acquired competencies that meet the requirements of employers. Students have the opportunity to form their individual learning trajectory taking into account the modern requirements of training specialists, which allows them to logically complete their education in the chosen field of training. The choice of additional competencies is large – it is economics, ecology, biology, engineering geodesy and information technology. The department conducts comprehensive training of students, i.e. technologists study crop production, agronomists – animal husbandry, foresters - biological disciplines, which allows future specialists to better navigate in the branches of agriculture. All this, ultimately, increases the competitiveness of the graduate. The teaching staff of the department actively participates in the harmonization of the OP, is interested in the innovations of other universities. As far as possible, it introduces innovations in its OP. Teaching staff and students actively participate in the academic mobility program. The department has a well-established exchange of students with partner universities during one semester of the academic year. In the second semester of the current academic year, teachers of the department Zhanadilov A. Yu., Akhmetova B. S., Korabaev Zh. Z.. Seylgazina S. M., Tugambayeva S. M. gave a course of lectures for students of Toraigyrov University and the North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev. Scientists of the department, attracting students, take part in the implementation of grant, contractual and initiative programs. Shakarim University has concluded programs for conducting scientific research aimed at solving urgent problems of agriculture. The main customers are the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Department of Agriculture of the East Kazakhstan region, farms of all forms of ownership. For the purpose of employment, graduates ' resumes are posted annually on the site. The department interacts with employers, holds meetings of graduates with representatives of local executive authorities and employers. Every year, the percentage of graduates ' employment is 87-90 percent.

Academic Process

The educational department "Agriculture and Bioresources" is a structural subdivision of the agrarian faculty of the Shakarim University, which trains highly qualified agricultural specialists capable of solving problems and tasks of the agro-industrial complex, taking into account modern trends in the development of the national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The preparation of bachelors is carried out according to educational programs: 6В08101 - Agronomy, 6В08201 - Technology of production of livestock products, 6В08301 - Forest resources and forestry, 6В08302 - Hunting and animal husbandry, 6В08303 - Forest resources and hunting, 7М08101 - Agronomy , 7М08201 - Technology of production of livestock products.

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The Department has two scientific fields: "Environmental resource-efficient system for the maintenance of soil fertility to realize the potential productivity of cultivated crops, obtaining environmentally safe products, environmental protection", the head of the Department of psychology Seylgazina S., professor, artist: Jamanova G., Baigazinova J. and "ways of improving breeding and productive qualities of meat-fat of sheep and cattle in the North-East of Kazakhstan," the head: Kozhabaev B., professor, performers: Nurzhanova K., Akhmetova B., Korabaev Zh., Nusupov A. Research is also being conducted on initiative topics to increase the genetic potential of farm animals and birds, plant and animal biodiversity.

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Social Education


Training of highly qualified, competitive specialists in the field of agriculture in accordance with the requirements of international standards and the State Educational Standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Quality objectives

1. Improving the quality of students' knowledge up to 91%;

2. Widespread introduction of innovative teaching technologies into the educational process by 93%;

3. Attraction and participation of students of the department in the competitions of scientific research works;

4. Development of academic mobility of bachelors and undergraduates by 20%;

5. Active cooperation with potential employers, ensure employment of graduates up to 70%.