The Department of Foreign Languages

The Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology is currently an active team for the training of competitive specialists in the field of competence with new innovative technologies. The Department trains Bachelors of Education within the Educational Programs, such as 6B01705 Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages, 6B02302 Translation Studies, 6B01703 Russian Language and Literature, as well as Masters of Education majoring in EP 7M01702 Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages. The teaching staff of the Department consists of 38 people. The Department has 8 candidates of Science, 2 PhD, 9 masters and 15 senior teachers. In 2018, the acting Associate Professor of the department, Ph.D. Dyusekeneva I. M. became the owner of the State Scholarship for Young Scientists. Moreover, scientists of the Department have gained The Best Teachers of University Award during different periods of time. They are Professor Ismailova Gainigul (Ph.D., 2013), Professor Zhumadilova Gulmira ( Ph.D., 2014), Kurebaeva Gulzhauhar (Ph.D.,2016). The Department provide students with the opportunity to get an education overseas by offering academic mobility programs. The foreign partners of the university include the University of Pittsburgh (USA), Pamukkale University (Denizli, Turkey), Jiongsang University (South Korea), Janos Kodolani University of Applied Sciences (Hungary), Jan Amos Komensky State Higher School of Professional Education (Leszno, Poland). In recent years, 40 students of the Department have been trained in foreign universities as part of the academic mobility program. Scientists of the Department under the leadership of Professor Ismailova Gainigul took part in the competition of scientific projects for 2021-2023, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. She won a state grant for the the scientific project named "Multimedia Educational Space as Means of Forming Communicative Competencies in the Field of Trilingual Higher Education". Within the educational programs of the Department directed at meeting the demands of society and the labor market, the specialty 6B01705 Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages is particularly popular. The vast majority of students in the Department are undergraduate and postgraduate students of this specialty. Graduates of the EP 6B01705 Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages successfully work in secondary, special, and tertiary educational institutions within all regions of the country.

Academic Process

The Department trains students within the following educational programs: 1. 6B01705 Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages 2. 6B02302 Translation Studies 3. 6B01703 Russian Language and Literature 4. 7M01704 Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages 5. 7M01705 Russian Language and Literature The uniqueness of the EP Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages is that students are given the opportunity to study under the "Bachelor's Degree 2+2" program of double-degree education. An important area of international activity of the Department of Foreign Languages, which has received high-quality and dynamic development in recent years, has become international academic mobility. The Department of Foreign Languages closely cooperates with foreign universities in the USA, Hungary, Poland, Turkey, and South Korea. Partner universities are Jiongsang National University (South Korea), Jan Amos Komensky State Higher School of Professional Education (Leszno, Poland), Janos Kodolani University of Applied Sciences (Hungary), Pamukalle University (Turkey), and University of Pittsburgh (USA). Students of the educational programs 6B01705 Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages and 6B02302 Translation Studies are annually sent to study in foreign educational institutions on the basis of external academic mobility in international universities of the world and leading Kazakh universities. As part of the external semester academic mobility, 40 students participated, and 4 students participated in the "Bachelor's Degree 2+2" double-diploma education program.

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The research work at the Department is set at the proper level. As part of the implementation of the main directions ("Formation of a Multicultural and Multilingual Personality in the Modern Educational Space"), the teaching staff of the Department and students are involved in participating in scientific and practical conferences and seminars of various levels, preparing reports and writing articles, developing scientific projects and textbooks. Students annually participate in and win national subject Olympiads and conferences. The Department has issued a number of manuals and published articles in both national and foreign publications. The teaching staff of the Department has published scientific articles in publications with a non-zero Impact factor, in the publications of the MES RK, and is also working on the preparation of articles in Scopus and WoS.

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Social Education


The mission of the Department is to train teacher-linguists, translators, and interpreters who speak foreign languages as well as have a high level of general humanitarian education, effectively use information technologies, and own interactive methods of improving language competence. The perspective specialists are able to quickly navigate the rapidly growing flow of information, capable of further education, and easily adapt to the conditions of the modern labor market as well as develop the culture and education of future specialists.

Quality objectives

1. Developing 100% of syllabuses and publication of educational and methodological literature;

2. Improving the methodological, material, and technical base of the Department;

3. Intensifying participation in scientific projects through grant funding for scientific research from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, internal university grants, and a Start-Up project competition;

4. Publishing 2 scientific articles in journals with an impact factor during the academic year;

5. Participation of Department's teaching staff in foreign conferences (publication) – 5;

6. Admission to doctoral studies – 1 lecturer;

7. Edition of 2 monographs;

8. Ensuring the participation of 2 lecturers of the Department in international programs for internships in foreign universities.