Department of Natural science disciplines

Head of depapartment: Rakhimzhanova Akgul Adress: 071400 Republic of Kazakhstan, Semey, Kashagana street 1, 113 room The educational department of natural sciences was organized in September 2019 on the basis of the merger of the department of biology with the department of chemistry and geography

Academic Process

The department trains specialists in the following educational programs (EP):  EP 6В01510 Biology – bachelor’s degree  EP 7М01505 Biology – master’s degree  EP 6В01512 Geography-History – bachelor’s degree  EP 7М01506 Geography – master’s degree  EP 6В01508 Chemistry– bachelor’s degree  EP 6В01509 Chemistry- Biology – bachelor’s degree  EP 7М01504 Chemistry – master’s degree

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Personnel and scientific potential of the department: a total of 19 teachers, 9 with an academic degree, including Candidates of Science-7, Doctor of PhD-2. Scientific products of the department. For the period from 2019 to 2020 (the time of the department's existence), it was published: Educational and methodological manuals – 10, with a volume of 81 printed sheets. Scientific articles – 70, volume 47 printed sheets. Teachers of the department participated in 26 regional, national and international conferences Students and undergraduates are actively involved in the implementation of the research work of the department The department actively operates scientific student circles: 1. Chemical Society 2. Small Geographical Society 3. Flora and Fauna of East Kazakhstan region

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Social Education


Training of competitive scientific and pedagogical personnel with deep theoretical and necessary practical knowledge, skills and abilities, high professional qualifications in the field of education in chemistry, biology and geography.

Quality objectives

  1. Invitation of  foreign scientists to give lectures - 1 scientist.
  2. Publication of scientific articles in journals with a high impact factor - 1 article.
  3. Publication of scientific articles in journals recommended by the Committee for Control in the Field of Education and Science, Education and Science of the Republic of  Kazakhstan - 6 articles.
  4. Publication of teaching aids on basic and profiling disciplines of the specialties "Biology", "Chemistry", "Geography" - 4.
  5. Participation in professional development programs - 6 people.
  6. The share of students involved in social and sports work - at least 20%.
  7. The share of graduates who studied under the state order, employed in their specialty - 100%.