Chemical technology and ecology

The Department of Chemical Technology and Ecology was established in 2019 by combining 2 departments: the Department of " Chemistry and Chemical Technologies "and the Department of"Ecology and Environmental Protection".

Academic Process

The educational and methodological work of the department is aimed at improving the methods of teaching disciplines

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Participation in international projects, publication in journals included in the Scopus database, Web of Science

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Social Education


Providing high-quality higher and postgraduate education through the mechanism of competence development to meet the needs of society and the state for qualified and competitive specialists

Quality objectives

1. Passing of specialized accreditation of the educational program 8D05301-Chemistry.

2. Enhancing of academic mobility of students and teaching staff.

3. Ensuring the safety and increasing the number of students

4. Conducting at least 3 internships and advanced training courses for teachers.

5. The number of teaching staff with an international certificate confirming the level of proficiency in a foreign language - at least 2

6. Ensuring leading positions in the Atameken rating for all educational programs of the department.

7. Employment of graduates in specialties trained by state order – at least 85%.

8. Strengthening the qualitative composition of the teaching staff according to the educational program "6B11201-Life Safety and Environmental protection"

9. Publication of scientific monographs – at least 2.

10. Publication of textbooks in the kazakh language - at least 3.

11. Publication of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals with a non-zero impact factor - at least 2.

12. Preparation of applications for all grant funding competitions announced by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other organizations.

13. Submission of applications for participation in the republican competition of students' research projects for each bachelor's degree program.

14. Ensuring the fulfillment of social credit by students of the department – at least 95%

15. Modernization of the training laboratory "Physico-chemical research methods"